My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today Denishi began to teach us some simple (although i don't really know how simple it can be considering it makes no sense at all) Sinhala.  Apparently I’m pretty good at memorizing foreign words (although somehow that’s never helped me with Spanish) and picked up the basic vocab quite quickly.  Go me.  Whenever there’s a word with a “th”  in it you have to bite your tongue when you say it, feels like I’m talking with a lisp. After dutifully attending to our lesson, Tom, Tiffany and I hit up the beach at Unawatuna, the tourist beach.  We took our first tuk tuk ride there! Tuk tuks are like little three wheeled motor vehicles with a bench on the back that you can just about squeeze three people into.  It’s a little scary careening down the road  without any doors to keep you in the vehicle but its good fun.  Unawatuna is like a completely different world, all tourists in bikinis and shorts as opposed to in Galle where women are required to cover their knees by wearing long skirts/trousers/saris as a sign of respect.  Us volunteers just wrap a sarong around our waist when we are in town and voila! problem solved.  But anyways, as I was saying, Unawatuna is gorgeous beach with sea turtles in the water(apparently they bite if you get too close), and the water is so warm its like taking a bath in the ocean!!! It’s even warm enough for you mum!

1 comment:

  1. am loving these updates, thanks for posting. House is quiet without you.
