My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The downside of traveling

After being violently sick for the past 36 hours I've come to a couple of conclusions. 1) When you're throwing up, all you want is a nice clean bathroom where you can lie on the floor and curl up around the toilet bowl, something I've taken for granted until now. 2) taking medication doesn't work if you can't keep it down 3) bread and rice is not what i want to eat right now, and 4) getting ill in a foreign, let alone developing country is something i plan on avoiding in the future.  I've been stuck in bed for the past 2 days leaving only to crawl to the bathroom. As of now I've managed to safely consume about a 1/4 of a slice of bread, a spoonful of rice, and a fried egg in the past 48 hours.  On the plus side, haven't been this skinny in a long time! Apparently this hotel serves tap water instead of bottled water with meals which would explain a lot.  Anyone who has traveled to India or similar places knows that tap water is incredibly dirty and to those of us who weren't brought up on it, it can wreak havoc on your insides.  Lucky me.  If my insides stop churning I'll be back to volunteering tmrw morning, fingers crossed.