My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Subtitles

Have you ever slept under a mosquito net? No? Well let me tell you it’s not all its cracked up to be.  First of all it smells like mosquito repellent which is kinda off-putting when you’re trying to sleep. Secondly, and maybe this only applies to people like me, but you wake up and somehow you are entangled in the net.  How this happens I have no idea, but apparently I’m the only one in the house with this problem. And it’s not just that you’re entangled, but the mesh is so itchy, especially in this weather where you don’t want anything sticking to your skin at night (you just lie on top of your sheets).  I’ve decided to hell with it, bring on the mosquitoes and whatever they carry, Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, malaria, I’d rather deal with those than the damned mosquito net.  Plus Julian, a volunteer from Germany, woke up to find two mosquitoes who had been INSIDE his net all night long, kinda defeats the purpose don’t you think? 
Today we continued with our Sinhala lessons, we’ve now covered all the numbers up to 1000, the days of the week, the months of the year, family, colours, greetings, simple phrases, and many more.  Also Dineshi showed us the pictoral version of Sinhala by writing out our names for us (like how the Chinese have words with English letters and they have the characters made with brush strokes, except Sinhalese characters are more circular and curve as opposed to the straight lines used by the Chinese). And in the evening we went to  see a movie at the cinema about how Buddhism came to Sri Lanka (part of our culture week)….except the movie is in Sinhala and there were no subtitles….so that was interesting.  I’ll have to admit I walked out of the theatre after trying to stay awake for 3 hours and really felt no better informed about the arrival of Buddhism to the island.  The dramatic Spanish soap opera style acting and the very obvious glue on moustaches/sideburns were rather entertaining though. 

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