My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Iguazu Falls

1:00 am Saturday: Bed time
3:30 am Saturday: Alarm goes off.
4:10 am Saturday: Cab arrives
4:30 am Saturday: Get on a bus with forty other students
5:30 am Saturday: Arrive at EZE aiport
7:00 am Saturday: Supposed take off time
10:45am Saturday: Actual take off time. 
Just so everyone is clear, I am not a morning person.  Think about if for a second and imagine how fun I was for 80% of that day, I'm surprised anyone still wanted to talk to me.  I guess I am funny after all!
But even though we all looked like homeless people sleeping on our bags in the airport we made it to Iguazu by one in the afternoon and our pilot decided to take it upon himself to make up for our wait time and fly us in a circle over the waterfalls giving us an amazing birds eye view.  Definitely made it worth the wait. 
Upon arrival, the heavens opened and we were greeted with a torrential downpour so we postponed our trip to visit the falls until Sunday.  Instead we trekked over to a place called the Three Frontiers which is where two rivers intersect and you are able to see Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina all at the same time.  So I can't say I've officially been to Brazil or Paraguay, but I have definitely seen them! This is around the time that I discovered there was a tear in the contacts that i had brought for the trip so I had one of two options, be blind for three days, or wear my glasses. Neither of those sounded particularly appealing. Through process of elimination I decided that I couldn't be blind while viewing some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, so glasses it was.  Yup, the closet nerd came out, while hiking. Go me. 
Dinner proved an even more exciting adventure as a group of us went out for dinner and one of the guys got pick-pocketed on our way there.  But no, the excitement doesn't end there.  Dinner goes great, we eat, we get the check...and out of nowhere the two guys at our table start full on brawling.  I'm talking 12 tequila shot bar fight, except it was in a restaurant.  People were scooping up their children and whisking them out of the room while the rest of our dinner party sat there in a state of extreme confusion as fists continued to be thrown.  Slightly embarrassing would be an understatement.  No wonder foreigners get the reputation that we do.  Anyways, after apologizing profusely and paying two hundred pesos for the damage the boys did to the place we shuffled out and (wisely) decided to call it a night.  
Sunday morning we left for Iguazu falls, which for those of you who don't know are like Niagara Falls on steroids.  It's made up of hundreds of waterfalls on both the Argentinean side and the Brazilian side.  Pictures just don't do it justice, but I tried.  We also took a boat ride under the falls, getting extremely wet in the process! 

Monday morning we toured the ruins of an old mission before heading off to an estancia for lunch and a relaxing day by the pool.  Tanning in the middle of the rolling hills in the northern provinces of Argentina was the perfect ending to a wonderful trip.  Then guess what, our plane was delayed again! Surprise surprise! Argentine time is like island time, it doesn't really exist.
And because of our thoroughly stressful weekend my roommate and I, decided that we couldn't go to class today so we slept in and then decided to tour the city.  Definitely a well deserved break!  

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