My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cultural Observations

First week of school. Check. Somehow we all managed to survive a grueling five hours of intensive Spanish every day, even after some of our rather more outlandish nightly excursions.  Apparently my spanish is improving (according to my host mum), so this intensive program must be working?!?
Some cultural observations:
Professional dog walker!
View from my classroom
1) Americans have no idea how to party.  Everyone needs to come down here and give PorteƱo Partying a try.  A typical night out STARTS at 3am and lasts until 8am, at which time one can go to an after party until around noon.  Haven't quite figured out how they manage to get up on Monday morning and go to work again.  It's pure ridiculousness.
2) They don't pick up dog poo.  Literally we are advised to walk around the city while looking down so as to avoid stepping in treacherous zones.
New Trier girls reunion in BsAs!
3) On that note, I have never seen so many beautiful dogs in one place, and they are all so well behaved too!
4) I think thieves in Buenos Aires get a PhD in robbery 101.  Their scams are so elaborate and well planned.  "Mustard on the back" is a well known (yet still fallen for) trick.  Some nice old lady taps you on the shoulder to let you know that you have mustard/ketchup/bird poo/powdered milk (you get the idea), etc. on your back.  You think how nice she is looking out for me.  But as soon as you look over your shoulder to check out your back, BOOM she's gone, and so is your wallet/camera/anything else valuable you have on you.  One guy in our program had all his bags stolen at the airport when they pulled this on him.
5) Men are a lot more aggressive south of the equator.  They have no qualms about yelling out "piropos" or  "cat calls" at any woman who walks by them.  Slightly creepy.
6) For a city, Buenos Aires is super green! Lots of parks and trees and mini lakes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so scared of being pick-pocketed.... what did the guy do when he had all of his luggage stolen??!
