My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

El Tigre

Saturday morning found us ISA students on a train headed up to El Tigre, a small town about 17 miles north of the city which is situated on a river delta, aka the South American version of Venice.  There are no roads, just rivers making it an ideal getaway for porteƱos when they want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.  Apparently if you are trying to send a letter to one of the houses, you have to write the name (not number) of the house, and the river that its on! Everything happens by boat, the post, supermarket, etc.  We arrived and took a barge tour of the river on our way to a secluded beach spot where we spend a couple of hours getting our burn on.  I managed to 2nd degree burn just my left hand, how I managed that...I have no idea as I used SPF 45 (thats the lowest they seem to sell here).  It looks like a huge purple birth mark, people keep staring at me funny.  Lucky for me, I was one of the least burnt people on Monday at school, lets just say we couldn't have made it more obvious that we aren't from here.  After frying ourselves we strolled around Puerto de Frutas, an open air market where we all picked up gourds for mate (a traditional hot drink kind of like tea that is drunk communally here in Argentina).  Our final stop of the day was at San Isidro where we had a beautiful coastal view of Buenos Aires and had an afternoon tea of media lunas, tostadas and brownies!  

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