My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Roti's and Tuktuks

Yesterday, all the MEF volunteers came over to Kumari's for lunch (because they don't get proper Sri Lankan cuisine at the bungalow they stay in). Kumari outdid herself with 4 curries, fried rice, eggs, chicken, daal, and for desert, ice cream and jello/jelly! So good. Also, I found out that she only gets paid 500 rupees a day per volunteer, thats like 50 cents.  Not okay.  I'm going to file a complaint with the company because she deserves wayyyy more than that considering she feeds us 3 meals a day, and we use water and electricity, etc.  Plus she is an amazing host mum.  She was saying yesterday that volunteers usually just eat and then go back to their rooms, they don't stay and chat or learn how to make food.  Which in my opinion is the best part...why would you want to sit in your room all afternoon on your own? So I've been taking full advantage of my opportunity to learn how to cook Sri Lankan style.  Kumari has been teaching me how to make roti.  It's a sort of flat bread that is made out of coconut, flour, sugar, salt, and water.  Then you fry it like a pancake. It is nothing short of AMAZING. I eat it almost every day...
Also, I got to drive a tuktuk for the first time yesterday, so Sri Lankan drivers-be afraid, be very afraid.

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