My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

My MEF Project

Rani likes to suck on her trunk. Adorable
So after our morning chores at MEF we are kind of on our own as to what projects we want to embark on during our stay.  Some volunteers do general clean up around the orphanage while others organize files, update systems, etc.  The idea is that you play to your strengths and use your own ideas to improve MEF. My project revolves around the issue that volunteers have when they arrive about not knowing which elephant is which and which mahout goes with which elephant and who to talk to about what, etc....So, my plan is to photograph all the elephants, mahouts, and other staff and create a wall that identifies everyone and their job at MEF. It's really hard when someone says "Go give Lakshmi's mahout these vitamins" when you don't know who Lakshmi's mahout is! So this way new volunteers and visitors to MEF can quickly figure out whose who and what's what.  I know, im brilliant, go figujre.  It's a simple project, only issue arises with photographing everyone and compiling it all together without ME messing it up! It would be just like me to put the wrong name to the wrong picture. So yeah, that's my project for foreseable future.
Raja squeaky clean right after his bath
Raja. 1 hr post bath covered in sand and grass. The point of a bath was??

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great project. How many elephants and mahouts? Is it one photo of elephant and one of mahout then mix and match? also, do they have a photo printer to hand??
