My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Play Time

After our morning at MEF on Thursday, four of us volunteers decided to go to the children's school to play games with the kids.  It's an after school program and volunteers can go and we are supposed to play educational games that involve using English words.  We don't always follow these exact guidelines though and many times our games just resort to laughing, screaming, and running around.  These kids are some of the cutest kids I have ever seen.  When we drove up they all ran outside to greet us "what is your name?" and "what is your country>".  They were very impressed when we responded in Sinahala "mage nama Olivia!" We played soccer (football), tag, charades, hangman, and tons of other games we kinda just made up on the spot which the kids loved! WE only got to stay for an hour though and so at 5pm when our tuktuk came to pick us up all the kids followed us out to the gate.  I had a little girl clinging onto each hand and the three other volunteers were in similar situations.  None of them would let go! They gave us all hugs and made us promise to come back next Tuesday, which of course we will! Probably one of the highlights of my trip so far (mum is reading this and thinking "she doesn't even like kids" hahahaha). I guess I found a maternal bone in my body after all!
Also, woke up this morning with a cockroach on my face.  Awesome.

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