My blonde moments continue as I depart for my study abroad adventure in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Lima (Peru)!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nazca Lines and Motion Sickness

our little plane

So Anabel and I decided to do something a little crazy.  Actually a lot crazy.  We wanted to go fly over the Nazca lines which are ancient geoglyphs located in the southern deserts of Peru.  They were created around two thousand years ago and consist of hundreds of figures ranging from simple lines to ornate carved animals.  All sounds great right? Only downside was that to get to Nazca, we had to take two buses totally a seven and a half hour trip, just one naturally we decided to do it all in one day.  Got on the bus at 330 in the morning, just to clarify, i'm not a morning person, and we had to be at the bus station an hour and a half early (although we just sat in the VIP waiting room the entire time so that was pointless).  Buses were awesome, super comfy and they even gave us snacks.  Only one problem, they decided to turn on a movie (who wants to watch a movie at 4am??) and cranked the volume up.  On top of this they had the radio on, also at full volume.  So we are all rolling down the road in this bumpin vehicle listening to the tv and the radio compete with each other over which one can destroy our hearing first.  Not exactly conducive to a sound sleep.  Seven unslept hours later (although I did see the sunrise over the desert which was gorgeous) we arrived in Nazca.  Immediately got taken to the airstrip and got loaded into a four seater plane.  As in this plane was the smallest thing I have ever seen.  My host family had warned me about the bumpyness of the plane and I had told them not to worry as I have an iron stomach and never throw up.  I was wrong.  Within five minutes of takeoff the combination of air rollercoaster, searching for lines in the ground, and trying to take photos, all at the same time, my stomach was in knots.  I managed to hold it together for the majority of the flight and then the puke bag came out.  Not a proud moment.  Upon landing I got whisked off to the doctor (yes there is a doctor on site) who told me not to worry as 8 people had already thrown up that morning...which made me feel a little better.  BUT, besides the extreme motion sickness, the lines were incredible to see from the air.  Definitely an experience I would recommend to all.  After I was released from the doctor we headed straight back to the bus terminal and bused seven hours home again.  All in a days work.
the hummingbird
can you see the spider-middle of right side

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